Keep up to date with all the latest news and views with our blog articles. We will be sharing some great insights from our BANT Nutrition Practitioners as well as making sense of the stories hitting the news.
Is Your Metabolism Slowing You Down? Weight gain and difficulty losing weight can be incredibly frustrating, especially when it feels like you are doing everything right – following a healthy di
The doom of dysbiosis: an imbalance of your gut microbiota We know by now that dietary habits can have a powerful impact on the composition of our microbiota. Sadly, the conventional Western-style die
A healthy gut microbiome is the secret to your wellbeing. Are you ready to design a menu that will lead you there? You might be wondering why nutritionists are obsessed with gut health. What is all th
You’ve likely heard a lot of mention of the gut microbiome over the past couple of years in relation to health and disease. However, you may be less aware of the fact that we have multiple microbiomes
How to avoid feeling floored by chronic stress! The feeling of stress is familiar and manifests itself in plentiful ways. We feel stress when we’re sandwiched between commuters at rush hour, trying de
Reducing obesity and metabolic disease depends on a return to real food and a culture of nutritious eating. Reading ingredient labels and avoiding marketing traps can empower us to make healthier choi
Emerging evidence on the therapeutic power of plant foods Cancer and the many risk factors. Cancer is a complex disease with multifactorial triggers and multiple therapeutic pathways. It is precisely
Why is everyone talking about Dementia? Dementia is a public health priority with a huge human and economic burden. 50 million people are living with dementia globally and 850,000 of those are in the
So much of female health is in the hands of your microbiota. The vaginal microbiome is a diverse community of microorganisms that live in the vagina. This unique ecosystem is a critical determinate of
Using diet and nutrition to foster good mental health in childhood and adolescence. The triggers for mental health are multifactorial and most experts agree that early lived experiences are crucial
From feeding your gut microbes to fuelling your mitochondria… Energy is the fundamental source by whi
Going 100% ‘Plant-based’ doesn’t always mean ‘healthy’. Learn how to maximize your nutrient intake while taking steps towards a kinder and more sustainable existence Is adopting a vegan di
Eating a broad and colourful array of plant foods isn’t just beneficial for our health, it’s delicious and exciting too! Scientists, clinical researchers and healthcare experts have long advocated the
In a world where convenience, technology and delivery apps have taken over. Cookery shows first appeared in the UK in 1930’s and pretty soon it gave birth to the concept of celebrity chefs and competi
We have reached a precipice in the battle to reduce obesity rates and combat the rise in diet-induced illness in the UK. Since 1992, 14 government-led strategies and 680 polices related to obesity hav
Food and mood rhyme for a reason as the two are intrinsically linked. What we eat directly correlates to how we feel. Ever felt wired after too much caffeine? Or jittery after too much sugary food? Th
What is better than curling up under the covers, resting your head on a soft pillow and letting your body fall into a deep slumber? Sleep replenishes our cells, removes metabolic waste and toxins from
Let’s look at food waste differently, and eat our way to a healthy and sustainable future! 2021 was a year for bold statements when it came to climate change, food sustainability and global health tar
In July 2021 the publication of the UK’s National Food Strategy-The Plan shone the light once again on the ongoing costs of poor diets, defined as those high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) and the impa
Diabetes Awareness Week – 14-20 June The 14th to 20th June marks Diabetes Awareness Week 2021. Good nutrition and regular exercise play an important role in diabetes. The BANT Food for your Hea
Nutrition and hydration are the pillars of a healthy diet and along with other lifestyle factors are at the centre of personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine. The BANT Food for your Health campa
Figures show that a staggering 63% of the British population is now classified as overweight or obese (1). And being overweight is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you scratch below the surface the n
“Never before have our food choices been so important for our health and wellbeing” is the strapline of the new BANT campaign “Food for your Health” launching on the 22nd of February 2021. The campaig
How to make meal times more interesting for all. 5 tips to engage the whole family by Chloe Steele
Are you confused by processed and ultra-processed foods? Why you should avoid them? Read more here
If you are striving to make meaningful changes to your diet and lifestyle this year, then Food for your Health is for you. Make 2021 the year you focus on food and you!