Small steps towards a healthier you

Never before have our food choices been so important for our health and wellbeing. Currently, our national UK diet is comprised of more than 50% ultra-processed foods and drinks, and our health is worsening. We all have very different reasons for wanting to improve our health and wellbeing. The first step is often to decide what is your most important health goal. Then it becomes easier to join the dots and see how you can optimise your food and lifestyle habits for a healthier, happier you!

informed food choices
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What is metabolic dysregulation ?

Metabolic dysregulation is a cluster of symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance and being overweight.  The UK is officially on track to become the most obese country in the EU by 2030 with 63.8% of the population currently living with overweight and 25.9% with obesity. People affected by diabetes has topped five million for the first time. These symptoms are all modifiable by diet and lifestyle so optimising the foods you eat, building in more physical activity, reducing your stress levels and improving sleep can all make a big difference to improving your health.