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Time to eat healthy foods

Time to focus on healthy food choices in 2021

Our health and wellbeing are intrinsically influenced by what we eat. Our dietary and lifestyle choices can make all the difference to how we feel and how well our body functions. As we continue to live through a global pandemic, the role diet plays on your health, and conversely on your risk factors for diet-induced chronic illness, is more and more in the spotlight. This is the motivation behind BANT’s new Food for your Health campaign which aims to encourage people to make 2021 the year in which you focus on eating a healthy balanced and nutrient-dense diet. As our campaign strapline says:

Never before have your food choices been so important for your health and wellbeing.

If you are striving to make meaningful changes to your diet and lifestyle this year, then Food for your Health is for you! We will be sharing how a food-first approach can go a long way towards optimising your current health. Whether you are looking to lose some excess weight, improve your energy levels, or support specific symptoms, the foods you choose can help make significant changes to the way you feel, how much energy you have, how well you sleep, and therefore keep you healthier for longer.

So where to begin…

Make the food you eat, count. It is too easy to get distracted tracking calories when it is the nutritional content that matters most. Choosing fresh whole food ingredients, rich in vitamins and minerals, ensures your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. A great place to start is by aiming to eat 7 portions of plant foods daily, 2 fruits and 5 vegetables. Increasing the quantity and variety of colourful plant foods in your diet helps provide a broader range of nutrients and fibre. Every colour provides a different set of vitamins and minerals so aim to eat the rainbow. Download our rainbow foods infographic to help you build more colour and variety into your diet.
There has never been a better time to make healthier food choices.

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