How BANT Members can Support Your General Practice

Nutrition and lifestyle medicine recommendations supporting individual wellbeing and group programmes

21st-century nutrition science

BANT members combine a network approach to complex systems, incorporating the latest science from genetic, epigenetic, diet and nutrition research to inform individualised recommendations.

BANT practitioners provide up-to-date individualised nutrition and lifestyle medicine advice for:

  • Obesity and weight management
  • Diabetes, blood sugar control
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Hormone balance
  • IBS and digestive disorders
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Fatigue

…and other chronic conditions.

BANT Wellbeing Guidelines

BANT Wellbeing Guidelines are evidenced-based guidelines providing information on nutrition and lifestyle measures when personalised advice is not possible. BANT Wellbeing Guidelines start from the premise that everyone is different and while there is no set rule that fits all, these guidelines provide a basis for healthy diet and lifestyle. Download The Wellbeing Guidelines as PDFs below or order A5 handouts and other infographics via the Wye Media portal for use at the surgery. (Username: bant and Password: nutrition).

In addition to providing personalised consultations, BANT members are also available to support group work at surgeries and health centres to provide talks and information sessions on healthy diet and lifestyle based on specific topics.

The Wellness Solution

Everyone is unique but whatever your goal, similar nutritional principles and health and wellbeing guidelines will apply. The Wellness Solution provides general advice to support healthy dietary and lifestyle choices when personalised advice is not possible, or as a basis for further personalisation and a visual aid to clients.

Fight the Fat – Beat the Bloat

The general Wellness Solution is adjusted to support nutrition and lifestyle choices when personalised advice is not possible and guidance is needed to ‘fight the fat – beat the bloat’. Similar foundational principles apply and Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioners can further help to personalise the recommendations for individuals.

Applying evidence in clinical practice: what do BANT members use?

BANT members consider each individual to be unique and use an evidence-based approach to provide personalised recommendations. These recommendations take into account the biological individuality and health history of the individual, together with the modifiable diet and lifestyle factors, all of which form the basis for personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes – rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

BANT has created a free access Nutrition Evidence Database as the UK’s first scientific database dedicated to nutrition and lifestyle medicine research. The database supports value-based practice, giving healthcare professionals practical and easy access to scientific resources in support of individual’s health and wellbeing.

Nutrition Evidence Database focuses on human research and is designed as a comprehensive platform for practitioners, academic researchers, policy-makers and students. The powerful search facility uses functional and lifestyle medicine filters to support evidence-based, clinically effective nutrition practise.

The database provides an easy access to over 300k scientific resources focused on nutrition and lifestyle sciences, expert reviews and over 1,600 indexed articles with quick access to the latest published science.

Why refer to PSA recognised practitioner?

BANT is the professional body for over 3,500 BANT nutrition practitioners across the UK. Its primary function is to assist its members in attaining the highest standards of integrity, knowledge, competence, and professional practice, in both clinical and non-clinical settings.

NHS guidance about PSA accredited registers

The accredited registers work alongside employers, commissioners, local authorities, patients, and consumer protection agencies as part of a quality assurance network. They set the same level of standards for practitioners working in unregulated health and care occupations as those on statutory regulated professions.

Seeking health care professionals that are on an accredited register can offer peace of mind to employers, the public and patients that they are competent, trustworthy and are committed to achieving high standards of personal behaviour, technical competence and, where relevant, business practice. It also offers a means to take action if there is any cause to raise concerns about a registrant’s fitness to practise.

Take the first steps...

Access the latest research and patient-friendly handouts
to start the conversation about the importance
of healthy nutrition and lifestyle

BANT Food For Your Health

In 2021, BANT launched its Food for your Health toolbox of resources to tackle diet-induced metabolic illness, non- communicable diseases and obesity.

Food for your Health uses a food-first philosophy to promote the latest science in personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine as prevention and treatment of diet- induced metabolic illness.

Practical handouts, such as the two below, provide information about metabolic dysregulation, a cluster of symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance and being overweight, and the modifiable risk factors that can be managed with nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle.

Below resources provide NED Infobites with research summaries, Fact Sheets as practical patient-friendly handouts, and example Trackers listing blood/metabolic markers that could help individuals to track their progress.