The country may be focused on the COVID-19 pandemic but as BANT members know, another epidemic of growing proportions is afflicting the nation, Type 2...
BANT has campaigned long and hard for the Government and policy makers to put improving the nation’s health at the centre of their health manifesto and welcomes the Prime Minister’s...
July 2020 CPD Opportunities As we approach the summer, the CPD Committee is receiving fewer applications from training providers for recognition. This is normal and will doubtless pick up again in...
From Discovery Calls to Long Term Retention: How to Convert and Onboard Your 1:1 Clients for Life This webinar will address a different and far more profitable approach to all the important steps of...
This opinion piece discusses the importance of DIET to support GENERAL HEALTH and the IMMUNE SYSTEM in particular, to minimise the impact of COVID-10. Possible long-term impacts are also considered....
Government will soon be announcing further measures to ease the lockdown measures but at this time CNHC continues to recommend that Nutritional Therapy Practitioners in England, Scotland and Wales...
BANT has continuously called out for a different approach to the UK’s health with a focus on how diet and lifestyle can influence health and promotion by Government Agencies of the consumption...
Underlying health conditions, like diabetes and hypertension, significantly increase the risk of severity of COVID-19. This study discusses potential preventative NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES....
This spring under the COVID-19 cloud has changed how we connect with each other, be that with our clients, our peers or loved ones, and as a result, we have seen an increase in online consultations...
The British Government has started to relax the COVID-19 confinement rules and this means that face-to-face consultations can now take place once more with right protective measures in place. BANT is...