27 Apr 2016 The Power of Nutrition – Promoting Health and Wellbeing… A New Regional Branch event in Edinburgh on 14th May
A CPD opportunity bringing BANT members and the public together to explore the cutting edge topic ‘Nutrigenomics’ and the various tests available. We will also be hearing about nutrition and healthy ageing from the Chair of Council for BANT Miguel Toribio-Mateas, as well as some new and exciting information regarding his supplement range. Monica Wilde – Director of Napier’s in Edinburgh and expert on seaweed will be telling us all about its use in supporting thyroid health. Thank you to the event sponsor, Cytoplan. The Power of Nutrition – Promoting Health and Wellbeing – Exploring Nutrigenomics, Healthy Ageing, Supplementation and the Health Benefits of Seaweed/Sea-greens for the Thyroid Gland. Click here to book your place – free for BANT members.