Countdown to New Year is upon us! We, at BANT, are very much looking forward to 2022 as it marks a significant milestone for us and our profession – our...
Men and inclusivity in nutritional therapy - written by BANT member Susanna Fall
Soon after graduation, I was conducting market research on nutritional therapy in London. It didn't take long to...
The most obvious genetic characteristic of men is their Y chromosome. Although there are exceptions, women usually have two X chromosomes, and men have one X chromosome (inherited from their...
As we approach the end of 2021, BANT has lots to celebrate having delivered on more strategic projects than ever before. Click on the images below to download our new...
BANT appreciate that knowing which supplements are within the scope of practice of a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and can be recommended to clients, can be a bit of a...
Regrowing both our Local Networks and our Regional Event teams remains a high challenge and high priority. There has never been a better time for anyone considering volunteering in these...