Nutrition Evidence Database Alert – Dietary Diversity and Health Outcomes in Collaboration with the Journal ‘Nutrients’



Nutrients MDPI

“Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour” said English poet William Cowper in 1785. Fast-forward 234 years and, although in a different context, that quote is still as current as is relevant.

For this edition of the Nutrition Evidence Alert, we have focused on the benefits of dietary diversity, highlighting 53 randomised controlled trials that illustrate how the popular concept of “eating the rainbow” has positive ramifications on human health. Our indexing team has also worked hard on 36 plain language summaries on this very subject which we hope you will find useful.

In addition to sharing our work on this exciting subject,  this month I am delighted to announce that we have partnered with the prestigious journal Nutrients for this alert. My thanks to Nutrients’ Managing Editor Leo Jiang at MDPI for facilitating this collaboration, which we are celebrating with specially curated editorial picks by acclaimed scientist and author Dr Deanna Minich on her favourite subject: dietary diversity and health outcomes. Deanna has just become an Editorial Board  member at Nutrition Evidence, so I would like you to join me in welcoming her to the team.

Last, but not least, we have negotiated an outstanding deal for you to attend Dr Datis Kharrazian’s course on clinical strategies for the management of neuroinflammation, which been approved by BANT for a substantial 13 hours of CPD. You’ll find full here:

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Meet The Editor: Dr Deanna Minich 

“Hello! I’m Deanna. I’m a researcher / clinician and educator in nutrition and lifestyle medicine. I have published several books  where I’ve focused on translating complex science about health properties of colours in foods into plain English so that everyone can benefit from “full spectrum health.” 

Dr. Deanna Minich is a clinician / researcher with a unique approach to healthcare that pays as much attention to the person’s emotional state as it does to physiological changes. She has an academic background in nutritional science, including a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Illinois at Chicago (1995), and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (Dissertation: Essential Fatty Acid Absorption and Metabolism) from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands (1999).

In conjunction with her academic degrees and extensive teaching experience at university level, Dr Minich has served on the Institute of Functional Medicine’s Nutrition Advisory Board and curriculum committee, and has worked along Dr Jeffrey Bland at the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute. She is both a Fellow (F.A.C.N.), a Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.) through the American College of Nutrition and has over fifteen years of experience working in the food and dietary supplement industries. In addition, Deanna spends her time as a Board member for the American College of Nutrition and as adjunct faculty at the University of Western States. She is the author of six books on nutrition, wellness, and psychology, and is passionate in helping others to live well using therapeutic lifestyle changes.

These are Dr Minich’s editorial picks on dietary diversity and health:

Featured Expert Reviews:

The following 2 expert reviews are featured as “recommended reading” this month:

Happy reading.

Miguel Toribio-Mateas, Editor-in-Chief 

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