30 Apr 2014 Find a Registered Nutritional Therapist
BANT helps members of the public find Registered Nutritional Therapists with its online directory.
The new search facility on this website will enable people to find the Registered Nutritional Therapist closest to them by just typing in their postcode.
BANT Chair Miguel Toribio-Mateas said: “Small changes to your diet may lead to big changes in your health. Work with your local Nutritional Therapist to devise the plan that works for you.
“Have you seen your GP, who has run all of the appropriate tests and informed you that the results are normal and that there is nothing to worry about, but your symptoms have not improved and you still feel below par.
“If you are low in specific vitamins or minerals, have an imbalanced fat intake, are short of protein or eating unhelpful carbohydrates, making changes to your diet could help. Identifying and changing these on your own is difficult, but this is where your nutritional therapist is trained to help,” he added.
Find your local Registered Nutritional Therapist with BANT’s online directory.