Anti-Obesity Medications Prepared by The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM), The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and the College of Medicine and Integrated...
Time for a prevention-led model to rebuild the nation’s health BANT 2024 Election Manifesto – A call for change! As UK voters prepare to go to the polls, BANT (British Association for Nutrition...
Time for a prevention-led model to rebuild the nation’s health BANT 2024 Election Manifesto – A call for change! As UK voters prepare to go to the polls, BANT (British Association for Nutrition...
BANT Position Statement, last updated 20 November 2023 Context: There is increasing evidence that Ultra Processed Foods & Drinks (UPFDs) are harmful to health yet there is still no meaningful...
BANT calls for action to reduce the consumption of ultra-processed junk foods, which underpin the worsening obesity epidemic in the UK, and renews calls for meaningful policy, not procrastination in...
This non-strategy falls way short of delivering against health targets BANT is dismayed to see the dilution of the National Food Strategy (NFS) recommendations to such an extent that ‘health’ is...