Application Fees

New Associate Member Applications: £75
Annual Renewal Associate Membership Fee: £75

Application Requirements

  1. Open to all those who are members of an association that is listed on the Statutory Regulations Directory and those members of associations listed on any Accredited Register under the PSA – with the exception of Nutritional Therapists.  See point 3 below.
  2. Applications also open to practising health professionals or those active in related research who are members of a Professional Association not under the PSA.  This may include Researcher/Academic and Non-Specific Profession.  Applicants who are not members of a relevant professional body (PSA approved or otherwise) will not be accepted.  The BANT Membership Committee will assess all applications from non-PSA Association members. Applicants from non-PSA Associations to send with their application form a statement of up to 200 words which justifies why they should become an Associate Member of BANT.
  3. Not open to Nutritional Therapists who have trained at a non-accredited courses whether within or outside of the UK. These applicants must use the Provisional Membership application route –  For all other Nutritional Therapists who trained at an NTEC accredited courses, applicants must use the Full Membership application route –
  4. All Associate Members must either be a practising health professional or active in related research.
  5. Associate Members will not be entitled to use the BANT logo on any of their promotional material or website.
  6. Associate Members will be listed on the member’s pages only of the BANT website and not the public facing pages. Information will include data from application form including: name, discipline, email address, practise and location of clinic(s).
  7. The BANT Membership Committee will assess any applications that do not fall within the above criteria.
  8. List of benefits for Associate Members will include:
  • BANT eNews
  • Free access to the Natural Medicines Database
  • BANT Webinars
  • BANT Podcasts
  • Member Benefits
  • Regional Group Meetings
  • BANT Directory of Associate Members
  • BANT Science and Education

Application Form

Associate Membership

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