December 2016

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We are writing to let you know about an exciting development coming in 2017 for BANT and more importantly, BANT volunteers! To coincide with volunteers week 2017 we will be hosting our first ever...
We all know how the many detox articles will hit the media soon after Christmas celebrations have finished and similarly we know how BANT Practitioners harness detoxification as a biochemical process...
I believe it is safe to say that there hasn’t been a year like 2016 for BANT in its whole history. We finished 2015 by launching our public consultation on the Curriculum Framework for Functional...
We are delighted to inform you that BANT’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday March 18th 2017 at the Cavendish Conference Centre, 22 Duchess Mews, London W1G 9DT from 9.30am. We...
In this issue we look at suggested affects of energy drinks on teenagers, a study on the power of broccoli and an experience of BANT local network meeting. Could energy drinks be impacting teenagers?...
As we near the end of 2016 it is time to think about renewing your BANT membership. Your current membership expires on 31st December 2016 with the new membership starting on 1st January 2017. View...
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