Train in nutritional therapy

Find out more about the training opportunities and career prospects here

Are you considering a career in nutritional therapy ?

Becoming a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is not just about seeing clients in clinic. There are also other career paths that can be pursued outside one-to-one clinic as a nutritionist, including organising retreats, working in the community, journalism, corporate wellness, teaching and development of health products. Commonly BANT members combine a couple of different, but related, income opportunities to add variety to their working week.

Find out more about your potential future career options.

Training to become a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

The below training providers offer Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC) accredited courses in nutritional therapy which afford you direct entry onto the register held by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and will enable you to become a member of BANT. The CNHC holds an Accredited Voluntary Register (AVR) for the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). The PSA oversees statutory bodies and accredits organisations holding voluntary registers for health and social care occupations in the UK.

NTEC accredited nutritional therapy courses are accredited to the standard required for entry to an accredited register. Students who follow courses that do not meet this standard will not be able to apply for professional registration as a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, until they have accrued three years clinical experience of working at the level of the National Occupational Standards, evidenced by the submission of a detailed portfolio of evidence.

As of 1st of September 2020, BANT Full Membership will require Bachelor’s (Hons) degree or higher from a recognised university and NTEC accreditation for nutritional therapy practice.

BANT cannot recommend one course over another. However, we do recommend that you should enrol on a course that has been fully accredited to achieve qualifications as a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

As of 1st of September 2020, BANT Full Membership will require Bachelor’s (Hons) degree or higher from a recognised university and NTEC accreditation for nutritional therapy practice. This does not impact current student members or full members, or those who started their level 6 diploma course prior to 1st of September 2020.

Training to meet the competencies laid down in the National Occupational Standards will require in-depth study of health and nutrition science. There are no exemptions from clinical practice to graduate as a nutritional therapy professional.

Applicants with first degrees or higher qualifications may be able to enrol directly, or after completing a short pre-entry bioscience course, in a Post Graduate Diploma or Master of Science course. Please contact the Training Providers for additional details.

Practising Nutritional Therapy Practitioners have an opportunity to upgrade to a degree level course at CNELM, ION, NCA and UoW. Please contact the Training Providers for further information.

BANT continues to accept and supports student members on all NTEC accredited courses. Student members who started their NTEC accredited diploma course on or after 1st of September 2020 will require an upgrade to BSc (Hons) or higher degree qualification to convert to Full Membership.

Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management

All programmes are Distance Learning

BSc, MSc and PGDip programmes validated by Middlesex University

Practice Diploma Endorsed by Qualifi

MSc and PGDip in Personalised Nutrition + Practice Diploma

Upgrade to MSc or PGDip for Diploma or BSc trained practitioners

The BSc and PNPD is now closed to new students but remains an accredited route to nutritional therapy practice until remaining students have graduated. The PNPD continues in combination with the MSc and PGDip programmes detailed above.

*** Offers Return to Practice (RTP) ***

> Visit the site

Train in Nutritional Therapy

Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Distance courses with optional attendance activities

All courses are validated by the University of Portsmouth

BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy

GDip Integrative Functional Nutrition + Practice

Students are also able to upgrade their diploma to degree level with the BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy Top-up course

*** Offers Return to Practice (RTP) ***

> Visit the site

Northern College of Acupuncture

Mostly distance learning

Degrees validated by the Health Sciences University (HSU)

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice

Upgrade to MSc for Diploma or BSc trained practitioners

> Visit the site

UON Image

BCNH College of Nutrition and Health / University of Northampton

Online learning

Degree validated by the University Northampton

BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine

Diploma in Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (this course is now closed to new students but remains accredited until remaining students have graduated)

> Visit the site

Train in Nutritional Therapy

University of Worcester

Combination of Attendance and Distance learning

Degrees validated by University of Worcester

PGDip /MSc Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle Medicine

> Visit the site

Train in Nutritional Therapy

University of West London

Combination of Attendance and Distance learning

Degree validated by University of West London

BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy

> Visit the site

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