Thank you for your interest in BANT CPD recognition.  This page sets out the criteria used for recognition and the costs involved.

Criteria for Recognition

The following criteria are used by the BANT CPD committee when assessing an event for CPD recognition.  To ensure an efficient service, please familiarise yourself with these requirements before submitting an application.  If you have any questions that are not addressed on this page, please email [email protected].

For an event to be recognised for BANT CPD, it must:

  • Be targeted at fully qualified Nutrition Practitioners, covering aspects of nutrition and lifestyle medicine that will enhance understanding and provide up-to-date knowledge of any new and emerging science.  BANT accepts training events that are not specific to Nutritional Therapy but which have relevance to the clinical practice and business development of BANT members.
  • Be evidence-based, with a full reference list provided.  To avoid bias, a balance of evidence should be presented, particularly if the evidence is inconclusive or conflicting.  References should be up-to-date, predominantly drawn from the literature within the last 5-10 years.
  • Focus on generic ingredients and avoid branded product placement.  Whilst it can be appropriate to include specific product training, the time allocated to this will not be included in the recognised CPD hours.
  • Comply with European Union Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims made on foods.  Please refer to guidance information on Regulation EC No 1924/2006 on the following links:

Costs of BANT CPD Recognition

The costs of BANT CPD recognition is as follows:

  • £125 fixed fee for the first hour
  • £10 per hour for every additional hour up to a maximum of 20 hours.
  • Relisting of approved event within 12 months of approval are charged at 50% of original cost

The fee includes:

  • The event details being posted in the CPD section on the BANT website, using the event logo provided and including details of speakers, event title, location and cost
  • The event appearing as a dropdown option on the BANT members CPD log, to facilitate logging CPD hours
  • Listing in an eBlast sent to all members in the month before the event takes place (assuming application has been received in good time to allow this to happen)
  • If a free event place is offered and taken up by a CPD committee member, a review of the event will appear in the BANT eNews sent to all members

There is no fee incurred if your event is not approved for any reason.

Approved Events

BANT CPD recognition is valid for one calendar year. If you wish to repeat the event during that time and assuming the content remains the same, no further approval is required.  If you wish to relist the event on the BANT website event log within the 1 year recognition period, there will be a charge of 50% of the original cost for recognition.  You may relist the event as many times as you wish within the 1 year recognition period.

BANT CPD recognition entitles you to use the BANT logo for a period of one year but only in direct relationship with the BANT accredited event.

The CPD hours awarded are based on one CPD hour per hour of learning.  The event approval letter includes the number of CPD hours recognised.

Until your CPD event application has been approved, please do not include wording such as “BANT CPD pending” or “BANT CPD points applied for” as this could be misleading for our members if your application is declined.

10% discount off advertising rates for an event that has obtained BANT CPD recognition.

Declined events

If your event is declined for BANT CPD recognition, you will be informed by a member of the CPD committee by email.  This will set out the reasons for the decision, which will be based on the event not meeting one or more of the standards as set out in this document.

Should you have any further questions, please email the BANT CPD Committee on [email protected].