A whole-hearted thank you on behalf of BANT Council for your support, engagement and pure hard work to make our voices heard and our efforts seen by our clients, the public, and the wider profession....
If you are looking for a final few hours of CPD to complete your logs for 2020, take a look at what is on offer below. The December webinar is available and is the second part of a series focusing...
This webinar is the second in a 2 part series that covers different types of eating disorders, the factors, signs and signals to look out for and where nutritional therapy can help. This webinar...
Free BANT Network Webinar “Triggering autophagy in 5 days – how to promote cellular repair, reset auto-immunity and burn fat fast” on Wednesday 13th of January 2021 from 10:00am –...
Welcome to your December “Food for your Health” campaign pack. In this months pack we explore the role of blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes in Metabolic...